Cows and Tolerance

Auris  Cordis, my black mare, has always had an issue with cows.  When out riding if we approach a pasture filled with cows it can be quite a challenge to ride by peacefully.  Or even to ride by high-headed.  I’m not sure where or how all of this began, but I do attribute some of my unconscious training techniques at a ranch roping clinic as being part of what locked this attitude in. Continue reading “Cows and Tolerance”

Will All the Dogs Eventually Eat All The Dogs?

I recently watched The Founder.  A movie telling the story of how Ray Kroc became the megamillionaire “founder”  of McDonald’s.  I was struck as I remembered reading McDonald’s:  Behind the Arches by John F. Love many years ago.  I had read it in my quest for what I thought might be success.  This book focused on the duplicability and the entrepreneurship that was the keystone of McDonald’s and the story of Ray Kroc.  Watching The Founder offered me a different look at what the history of McDonald’s involved. Continue reading “Will All the Dogs Eventually Eat All The Dogs?”

Ghost Fishing and the Oiligarchy

I like to listen to interesting and informative podcasts while working sometimes.  Recently, I listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast on Ghost Fishing ( and found myself, yet again, repulsed by the ego of humankind. Continue reading “Ghost Fishing and the Oiligarchy”


We have experienced a lot of loss this year.  First our beloved mare, Cherry decided it was time to go – she was over 40 years old – in April.  Then our special, trusted, big, black, dog, Bentley left us in May.  We deeply miss both of these daily big presences in our lives!  Then after Jay returned from a big family celebration honoring his father on his 85th birthday, we received word that he passed just 1 week later.  This was in June. Continue reading “Grief”

Prepping: Water

FEMA tells us we should be prepared for 6 months without power.  Yes, 6 months!  Are you?!?!?  I’m not sure if I am either, but I can say that I am conscious of this fact.  So, yes, I do my own prep.  Just in case.  Not out of fear, or I have mine get away, but because it’s the right thing to do.  Why wouldn’t we?!?!   Continue reading “Prepping: Water”

Today We Honor the Mosquito

Honor the mosquito?!?!?! What?!?!?!  Am I crazy?!?!?!  These are the questions I awoke with after my guides directed me to blog in honor of the mosquito today.  So I meditated on the mosquito before rising.  I could feel their need to be heard.  So much is blamed on them.  So much hatred is directed toward them.  There is something quite profound in the fact that it is only the females who bite to draw blood.  How can we truly be in relationship with the WHOLE if we are bent upon eradicating one of the species?

Continue reading “Today We Honor the Mosquito”

Flowers in the Weeds

While pulling weeds in my strawberry patch today, I was yet again reminded that it was my Mother who taught me to be able to see the beautiful flowers in and amongst the weeds.  When I was a child, like many youngsters growing up, one of the chores I would be given to do was to pull the weeds in the flower, rock and/or food gardens.  I hated this chore.  Didn’t we all?!?!  I learned to recognize weeds and I learned that one can fall on their butt if they pull too hard on a well established weed.   I also learned how to identify the plants we wanted to thrive for our own purposes.

Continue reading “Flowers in the Weeds”

Soul sovereignty in a digital age

We are being harvested.  Harvested?!?!  What?!?!  Yes harvested.  Everytime one logs onto a website some data regarding our habits is captured and then ‘sold’ by someone.  Selling does not always mean a monetary transaction.  Sometimes it’s just a mutual sharing or a boost for those who own the website to which we traveled.  Are you OK with this happening?  You might be OK that those who own a website that you sought and spent time on received a boost of some sort.  You chose to visit and spend time.  But what about the harvests that take place just because? Continue reading “Soul sovereignty in a digital age”

Where have all the antelope gone?

Several years ago, as we watched a small herd of mama antelope with their babies playing in our back pasture, I had a friend pensively ask why she no longer had antelope at her place.  They have 40 acres SE of Denver and used to see them all the time.  I asked if more fences had gone in around her.  She said yes, but she still got plenty of deer.  She wondered why the antelope disappeared.  I told her that it’s the fencing.

Antelope are not prone to jumping like deer do.  Will they jump? Yes.  Will they choose to move out of an area if their only option for migration and daily movement is to jump fences?  YES.  Continue reading “Where have all the antelope gone?”