Today We Honor the Mosquito

Honor the mosquito?!?!?! What?!?!?!  Am I crazy?!?!?!  These are the questions I awoke with after my guides directed me to blog in honor of the mosquito today.  So I meditated on the mosquito before rising.  I could feel their need to be heard.  So much is blamed on them.  So much hatred is directed toward them.  There is something quite profound in the fact that it is only the females who bite to draw blood.  How can we truly be in relationship with the WHOLE if we are bent upon eradicating one of the species?

Our planet is hurting.  We humans have done and are doing so much to her it’s a wonder she still provides us with the abundances we do get from her.  It appears our ego feels it knows better about which species should live and which should die.  The cute fuzzies should live.  The food sources should live (though not all according to some weed books.)  The biting, buzzing, crawling, fang filled, slithering and generally annoying should all be eradicated, according to human sensibilities.  Just try to speak up for the snake once in general conversation.  The consensus is that all snakes must die and especially the rattlesnake here on the prairie.

So why was I guided to speak up for the mosquito?  Believe me, I’m no saint when it comes to the mosquito.  I remember asking many years ago what purpose they might serve and why in the world would a loving God create them.  If, when attempting to go to sleep, I hear the distinct whiny buzz of a mosquito, I will turn on the light and hunt the little bugger down before I can sleep peacefully.  I can’t stand a mosquito bite any more than I’m sure you can.  I believe I was guided to reflect upon the mosquito precisely because of my need to grow in respect for the LIFE of these small Creations.

If we can respect the life of the least lovable, it makes it easier to respect the life of the cute and cuddly.

So what good is the mosquito?  Well, I had to google it myself.  I came upon this page: which gave me some respect for the mosquito.  I never knew that they affected the herding patterns of caribou in the tundra.  Makes sense when I watch my herd of horses come galloping in off the pasture at dusk and dawn when the mosquitos are most active.  In fact, I can tell how bad the mosquitos are based upon how long the horses stay out at dusk.

I believe we all know that the mosquito is a valuable food source for many creatures.  Dragonflies, toads, frogs, salamanders, bats, birds, fish, etc.  But when we consider how they help add nutrients to and clean the water, they gain more value.  They are also an aid in pollination.

Mosquitos are demonized in the news all summer long as we are all told of where the latest test for west nile virus has been confirmed and how to protect ourselves from the mosquitos that carry this disease.  We are told to not go outside without DEET repellant.  Well I find this advice repulsive!  The EPA states that topical use of DEET is safe.  Scientific American posted an article that states :”A study conducted in the late 1980s on Everglades National Park employees to determine the effects of DEET found that a full one-quarter of the subjects studied experienced negative health effects that they blamed on exposure to the chemical. Effects included rashes, skin irritation, numb or burning lips, nausea, headaches, dizziness and difficulty concentrating.”  Knowing what I know regarding the corruption of our governing agencies, I’m disinclined to just buy into the EPA’s impramatur of DEET as a safe chemical to slather on my skin, my largest organ.  I’ll use therapeutic grade, all natural essential oils and reapply often if required, thank you very much!  My favorite goto’s are lavender and peppermint.  I just apply them neat – rather than DEET.

Many towns have a mosquito control program.  We are gently assured that the pesticides and larvicides are safe for all us humans and our pets.  Just not the mosquitos.  And what about all the other insects?  At what level of dose is it no longer safe to we humans?  I’m sure the information is all out there, if you choose to research.  I just feel that the questions need to be asked.  And asked of agencies who receive NO money whatsoever from corporations.  What about the tiniest of life forms?  What are we doing to them?  When we attack one life form, we cannot help but affect the web of life.  Where does our ego check itself and consider the WHOLE?

As I look to the skies and consider how the mosquito must feel when the fogger comes through, I can’t help but compare my own station in LIFE to theirs.  What is all the global spraying?  What is the purpose?  How is it affecting me and my family and my soil?  Because I’m not being told the TRUE story, I can only benignly watch and pray that we are not being ‘fogged’ by a “safe” product.  HA!

Honoring the mosquito means honoring the least lovable and honoring my own LIFE by not buying into the entrainment to feel at war with the little buggers.  When I respect life at this tiny level, I respect life on a grander level therefore respecting myself as a LIFE complete with a deep honoring for my own well being when I protect myself from the uncomfortable bites these little gals come bearing.