Digging to Find the Gold

I used to dislike growing root vegetables.  They were too hard to get to in order to harvest, I’d complain.  I can’t tell if they are ready or not, I’d whine.  I just don’t want to get my hands so dirty just to find small yields, I’d say.  How times have changed.

I love to dig into the ground now and find the small sweetness, and the large bounty.  I love to feel the earth around my hands as I mine for the gold attached to the nondescript plant above. Continue reading “Digging to Find the Gold”

Today We Honor the Mosquito

Honor the mosquito?!?!?! What?!?!?!  Am I crazy?!?!?!  These are the questions I awoke with after my guides directed me to blog in honor of the mosquito today.  So I meditated on the mosquito before rising.  I could feel their need to be heard.  So much is blamed on them.  So much hatred is directed toward them.  There is something quite profound in the fact that it is only the females who bite to draw blood.  How can we truly be in relationship with the WHOLE if we are bent upon eradicating one of the species?

Continue reading “Today We Honor the Mosquito”

Our Food is Locked Up!

I’m reading the book ‘My Ishmael’ by Daniel Quinn.  I’ve never read his work before.  ‘My Ishmael’ is the second in a series, but this is where I began.  It doesn’t matter that I have not yet read ‘Ishmael’ but I most certainly intend to go back to it after reading this treasure.  I cannot recommend this book enough!!!!  Continue reading “Our Food is Locked Up!”

Flowers in the Weeds

While pulling weeds in my strawberry patch today, I was yet again reminded that it was my Mother who taught me to be able to see the beautiful flowers in and amongst the weeds.  When I was a child, like many youngsters growing up, one of the chores I would be given to do was to pull the weeds in the flower, rock and/or food gardens.  I hated this chore.  Didn’t we all?!?!  I learned to recognize weeds and I learned that one can fall on their butt if they pull too hard on a well established weed.   I also learned how to identify the plants we wanted to thrive for our own purposes.

Continue reading “Flowers in the Weeds”