While pulling weeds in my strawberry patch today, I was yet again reminded that it was my Mother who taught me to be able to see the beautiful flowers in and amongst the weeds. When I was a child, like many youngsters growing up, one of the chores I would be given to do was to pull the weeds in the flower, rock and/or food gardens. I hated this chore. Didn’t we all?!?! I learned to recognize weeds and I learned that one can fall on their butt if they pull too hard on a well established weed. I also learned how to identify the plants we wanted to thrive for our own purposes.
Category: emfs
Soul sovereignty in a digital age
We are being harvested. Harvested?!?! What?!?! Yes harvested. Everytime one logs onto a website some data regarding our habits is captured and then ‘sold’ by someone. Selling does not always mean a monetary transaction. Sometimes it’s just a mutual sharing or a boost for those who own the website to which we traveled. Are you OK with this happening? You might be OK that those who own a website that you sought and spent time on received a boost of some sort. You chose to visit and spend time. But what about the harvests that take place just because? Continue reading “Soul sovereignty in a digital age”