Wonder Woman and War

I got to watch Wonder Woman last night and was really inspired by the whole message about the nonsense of War……. until the end….

The entire movie was focused upon how Diana was supposed to kill Ares, the god of war, so that peace could reign.  I loved how the movie took us to the multi-dimensional aspect of war.  And was inspired by the way Diana kept ‘calling out’ the evil she spotted in the people she was working with as well as the people on the opposite side of those she was working with.  I was inspired by the fact that she kept her focus on Ares as the source of war rather than getting caught up in the individuals influenced by his evil intents.

All of this set me up for a huge disappointment at the end.  Diana did kill Ares, and of course the war did not stop at that moment.  And of course the infighting between humans did not stop at that moment.  All of this I expected.  BUT…. My HUGE disappointment was that it was very evident that Diana would continue to ‘fight’ evil in the physical realm.  I got triggered because of my expectations throughout the movie which were that Diana really understood the higher dimension of evil.  I had expected that Diana would remain working in these higher dimensions rather than dropping into more ‘battling’ for what is ‘right.’

In the end the story really is about Might making Right.  I cannot silently tolerate this line of thinking or acting any longer.

As I watch what we as ‘patriotic Americans’ are supposed to tolerate and even venerate, I am repulsed.  Today, my Facebook feed is filled with posts from people disgusted by athletes who are peacefully protesting by taking a knee during the national anthem.  I also see the occasional post about how this is freedom of speech, but the flood of those who aren’t supporting the Constitution and this freedom of speech is nearly overwhelming.  Where did we get lost?

As a patriotic American I am expected to pay my taxes where $0.54 of every dollar is spent on the war machine.  As a patriotic American I am expected to venerate the flag above LIFE.  As a patriotic American I am expected to ignore the Constitution when it doesn’t fit with what many see as being politically correct.

What I would rather do as an American is to have more of my tax money go to making sure every man woman and child in America has clean water to drink and plenty of pure, fresh food.  I would rather that my tax money go towards making sure every person who is homeless has a place to live – currently, most of our homeless are those poor lost souls who ‘fought for our freedom’ and are now forgotten about by the war machine.

We are so caught up in what things look like in the physical realm that we forget about the spiritual realm and that the evil is ultimately coming from there.  We are so caught up in blaming others for not being who we believe they should be that we forget to be who we should be.  Diana reverted to battling evil on individual fronts rather than remembering the spiritual realm of evil and staying focused on that.  We American’s have reverted to demonizing individuals who speak out in a peaceful way that appears to some as being disrespectful rather than looking at the evil that they are attempting to call our attention to.  We are forgetting to see the evil, call it evil and to address the evil within so that we can then seek to heal the evil and seek a higher reality of love.

I pray that we each look within and learn how beautiful we really are.  I pray we each know that we are inherently good and full of love.  I pray we each know that all LIFE is beautiful and worthy and that we can see that in others and express it to them.  I pray that evil has no power over me or you or our world.  I pray that we learn to love one another.  And so it is!  Amen!